Sunday, April 16, 2023

Top Ten - Getting Back On Track

Once again I feel like I’m back on track with my training.  Or perhaps I should say more specifically, I’m back on track with my positive perspective and mental focus.  A few things have turned this around for me…and I think it’s important to list these here.  In future, it may be as simple as coming back to this blog and implementing these things myself, rather than waiting for them to miraculously come to me on their own.

So here’s my Top Ten list of things that seem to stimulate me back into a positive mindset.  I didn’t initially intend for this to have 10, it just ended up that way. Lol.  And some of them might seem so obvious, but things just never are when negativity has set in.  Either way, here they are.

1.  Do something to motivate and encourage someone else.
2.  Do something completely silly.
3.  Do something creative outside of Kung Fu.
4.  Talk things out with my mentors.
5.  If my first reaction to an opportunity is “no”, say “yes” instead.
6.  Read.  Anything.
7.  Drink good tea.
8.  Go outside.
9.  Engage someone on the team (either a team mate or coach) into something specific with my training.
10. Keep my commitments.

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