Sunday, April 9, 2023

A Happy Spirit

I’ve been struggling a bit with my Kung Fu.  Not knowing where to go or where to focus.  Also with confidence.   But I’ll dig into that a bit more another time.  

I received some advice that sometimes, when this happens, the best thing to do is to shift our focus to something else entirely.  Something that will stimulate some creativity.  Some excitement.  

To me, this advice wasn’t intended to mean I should STOP doing my Kung Fu…or STOP fulfilling my commitments…so I’ve still made sure to maintain my numbers.  But it’s been more with a maintenance mode mindset, rather than beast mode.  And as soon as that training was done, whether it went good or bad or neither, I shifted my energy and focus to something that would really generate some positivity and success.  And hopefully some sense of accomplishment. 

And so all weekend I have been working on my pottery.  I already did one glaze fire, and am busily glazing more in hopes to have another firing tomorrow.  And I’ve had so many things turn out really great so I’ve been getting a lot of “wins”. 

Although these successes aren’t directly kung fu related, they are still feeding my spirit in a really positive way.  And a happy spirit can only mean good things.  

It’s actually sort of funny now that I think about it.  When I’m struggling with my pottery, I turn my focus more to Kung Fu.  So it kind of makes sense that I turn to pottery when the opposite is true.  They really are nice complements to each other. 


  1. Love the "happy spirit". Keep at it.

  2. This resonates a lot with me, thanks for sharing and putting into words what I cannot seem to. Happy your pottery is going so well, you really do beautiful work!

  3. Everything in life can be related together.
