Thursday, April 13, 2023

Hello My Name Is...

I think my Kwan Dao form is really starting to come together.  I still have lots of work to do with extending the weapon and maximizing my reach.  Also my footwork needs alot of practice.  I need to be strong and grounded as I move or my weapon pulls me.

But I'm gaining confidence and having some fun.

On a somewhat related note, Todai Ward asked me yesterday if I had named my weapon.  And I haven't!  And I think I'd like to.  I haven't come up with anything yet, but now I'm curious as to whether others have names their weapons and if so, what are some of the names???


  1. I haven’t named any of mine, but I immediately thought of Slim Shady when I read the name of this blog…

    1. Now we need more Kwan Dao’s so we can ask if the real one can please stand up.

  2. I just named my butterfly knives from last year Tom & Jerry. Lol
    For your weapon I'm thinking maybe Archer, The extractor, the perforator, hulk, big ben or big bertha.
