Monday, March 27, 2023

Up Before Dawn

Today was a good day.  

Nothing overly special about it.  I was home with the kids today, since they are out of school for Spring Break.  I was up well before dawn to load my kiln and start a bisque fire.  Once that was going I did my pushups and sit-ups.  Then settled into my big chair for coffee and read a few chapters of my Jose Silva book.  Reviewed a couple videos of my Kwan Dao form and made note of some things to work on.  Did the Mad Minute Challenge with the kids.  Fired up my computer and did my work.  Chatted with my Mom.  Did a couple reps of the Tai Chi Short form.  Helped the kids sort some lego.  Watched an episode of The Office.  Did another 2 reps of the Tai Chi short form.  Made supper.  Hung out with Dan once he got home.  And mixed throughout the day were snuggles with the dogs and little conversations with the kids.  Now I sit here, writing this blog, having a tea.

It was definitely a full day. But not busy or rushed.  Everything sort of just fit together with ease. These are the kinds of days where, although I still have responsibilities to fulfill, I tend to let my intuition lead me rather than forcing myself one way or another.  Everything still gets done, but without any stress or pressure.  Unfortunately not every day allows this.  But I try to take advantage of the opportunity when I can.

Yup.  It was a good day.

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