Wednesday, March 15, 2023


I utilized a guided meditation this morning called "5 Minute Body Scan".  Right off the hop the host had me establish a good seated position, roll my shoulders back, tip my chin, lengthen my neck and elongate my spine.  More simply put...proper posture.  What I wasn't expecting was the difference this made with my breathing.  I could really feel my breathe flow unencumbered in and out.  I typically try to sit with good posture in my meditations, but obviously I was missing the finer details.  Even this morning, as soon as I would notice my breathing become even a little bit constricted, I also noticed I was no longer sitting with proper posture.  A quick re-adjustment and my breath was flowing freely once again. That quick initial run-through to establish true posture and alignment was a gamechanger that I will be adding to my own self-led meditation well as to other things.


  1. Im currently reading a book called The Science of Breathing, it goes over this and the different levels of breathing. Pretty interesting and short read. I’ll lend it to you once I’m done.
