Saturday, March 11, 2023

I AM Blessed

I have been a part of many sports and many teams.  I have been involved in numerous groups, organizations and clubs.

Not one even comes close to Silent River.

Nowhere, in my 43 years, have I found the support and encouragement that I have found here. Nowhere, have I seen every single member, at one point or another, put aside their own personal goals to assist and help another with theirs.  As much as we each want to succeed and reach our own aspirations, we just as much want the student next to us do the same.  And one of the best places to see this in action is at open training.  I can say with absolute certainty that every single person on those mats today both benefited from someone’s generosity with their time and knowledge, and gave some of their own.  And I speak of the highest ranking to the youngest of students with that statement.  

This is really something special that I’ve been so blessed to become a part of.

I am blessed.

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