Thursday, March 16, 2023

Hulk Smash

I had been feeling really good about my Kwan Dao form.  I would have said it was probably 85% complete as of yesterday.  But tonight, I went and broke it…1 week away from Beta Day. 

I wasn’t happy with some of the directions I was ending up in nor with the distance I was travelling.  With such a large weapon, I need to consider how much space I’m taking up because, at some point, I will end up on a stage with someone.  So I started picking apart some of the segments…adding some transitions and steps to get me where I need to go…but without sacrificing intent.  And now I seem to have all these little segments that I can’t quite piece back together.

Speaking with Sihing Burke after class, she likened it to having a nice little glass ornament and then just smashing it on the ground. Yes, I have to piece it all back together, but in the end I’ll have a beautiful mosaic work of art.

A lovely analogy that I hope foreshadows what’s to come.   Lol.


  1. From what I saw watching, it looked well pieced together. What was feeling off for you specifically that made you decide to change it?

    1. It was more about where I wanted to be rather than anything "wrong" per say.

  2. At the end of this year while you’re admiring your beautiful mosaic you’re going to think back to that little glass ornament and be so glad you broke it because what you built from the wreckage will be more splendid than the original!

  3. I love this analogy!

  4. Methinks you are making changes to suit a stage/performance too soon. Stay true to the needs of your form - always. That has to be the intent. We always have to modify our performances, no matter what, to suit the needs of a demo. The risk of making a change at this point (before you have even presented your beta) is that it may change more than you want. The form has to serve you, not the demo.

    1. I most definitely have been giving thought to the spacial requirements of a demo. But you’ll be pleased to know I recognized I was taking it too far and pulled back from overdoing any adjustments at this point. But the exercise did result in a few simple tweaks that work better overall. For now anyways. Lol

  5. I was going to say that I would let the weapon take you where it needs to go. It is a long weapon and should take up a lot of space.
