Friday, March 24, 2023

A True Reflection

I haven’t blogged yet today. Well…I suppose if you’re reading this, then yes, I finally have.

I have a few blogs in progress right now where I’m really working some things out.  And I didn’t want to publish them just for the sake of getting a daily blog in.  I want them to be fully finished.  But suddenly I found myself almost panicking to get one of them done.  When I realized what I was doing…I took a step back and started a new posting.  This one.

Daily blogging.  One of my requirements this year.  When I first considered this, I had listed out all the benefits I anticipated…..Daily reflection…A constant and complete record of my journey… Ensuring that I don't neglect to record the little things that may one day be of importance…and yes…perhaps just a smidge of a challenge to see if I could even do it.

But as many positives as there are, as with any other tool we have…the wrong mindset will turn it into a hoop.  

Recently I have had this feeling of being rushed and pressured.  Completely self induced mind you.  I’ll have begun a writing…felt very excited about it…but then started to panic because it isn’t really fully formed….lots of ideas mulling about that require some time to marinate. Yet I’ve made a commitment to daily blogs, and so I will either publish something that might only be partially developed, or I have to come up with something else, even though I’ve already spent my time that day on the other.  And then, if the “backup” blog isn’t that great, it feels like a cop out.  In either case I feel as though I’m putting something out there that isn’t really all that readable and not truly worthy of posting.   

I was quite happy at the start of the year.  Content simply blogging my thoughts…just as they were.  And somehow I’ve ended up here…second guessing…feeling like the simple days with the simple thoughts aren’t good enough.  Like I’ve got to have it all figured out before I share it.  Feeling like none of it is really worth sharing at all.  Feeling like I’m just forcing mindless drivel on everyone.

And so I need to remind myself how the daily blogging serve me.  Serves ME, being the key word.  These are for me.  If they spark something for someone else, great.  But that’s a happy byproduct and not the goal itself.

So once again…the reasons that I am doing this are…Daily reflection…A constant and complete record of my journey…Ensuring that I don't neglect to record the little things that may one day be of importance.

I think as long as these blogs reflect my day and where my mind is…whether that be insightful…happy…sad…frustrated…fully formed…confusingly incomplete….or maybe very simple and uneventful….as long as they are a true reflection…THAT is how they will serve me best.  

Really no different than they always did, daily or not.  


  1. The more personal the better in my opinion. Keep it up.

  2. It is not just about putting a blog out, it should be about blogging meaningfully. I believe you are doing this.

  3. Think of your life as your actual blog and each entry into this Google blog as a single paragraph. Your ideas and understandings are in constant flux but the better your training, the more you experience those changes in real time. You can begin a posting only to be in a different frame of mind by the time you get to the end of your posting. This can entice you to put this one on hold until you can reach a satisfactory conclusion. Trust me, you will never get there if you are looking at each entry as a separate entry. Things are progressing too fast.

    I encourage you to journal honestly and in real time. Today's posting is about where you are now. If that means your intent of this particular entry has changed since you began writing it seven minutes ago, don't fight it - go with your intent in real time. Let your overall blog tell the story and let your individual entries be chapters (sometimes disjointed chapters) that pull the whole story together in the end.
