Saturday, March 4, 2023

First Day On The Job

Mr. Lee arrived today. He has been very well behaved so far.  No fuss. No aggression. But you can tell he’s scared and unsure. He’s in a kennel in the garage for now.  He needs to learn that this is home and he is safe before we let him wander out.

Everyone has been coming out here every so often to sit with him.  Either reading or just talking to him nicely.   I tend not to say anything.  I feel like we bond better without words.  I had an inclination today to sit out here and meditate.  For some reason I had the idea that he would sense my energy better and know that I wasn’t a threat.  I focused my thoughts on feelings of calm and peacefulness as I breathed.  I typically close my eyes while meditating, and when I opened them I was a little surprised, but also pleased, to see that he had dozed off.  As soon as I moved he was back on high alert, but for a moment at least, he seemed to trust me.  It’s been a big day for him. And I’m glad he’s here.  


  1. Baby (kitten) steps is the way to go.

  2. It might help him understand you better if you use cat body language with him too, cats usually say “hello” by doing one big slow blink at each other, or sitting near them but turning your back or looking away, this usually means “I’m watching your back and trusting you to watch mine” Might help speed up the trusting process?

    1. ooooo. Great tips!!! I did the slow blink. And he seemed to do it back! But maybe he's lulling me into a false sent of security...😵

  3. Thanks for being so patient and giving him a loving home. And I totally think they can sense our energy.
