Sunday, March 19, 2023

No...I'm In Charge!

Between my Kwan Dao and my pushups daily...and then anything else that class throws at arms and shoulders are really getting worked hard.  My upper body as a whole really.  Having said that, I'm trying to be conscious of any undue strain I'm putting on my body with my Kwan Dao.  Often the momentum that builds due to the weight could potentially be harmful if my technique isn't quite right.  So far it's been okay, but I will sometimes feel that strain specifically in my elbow or shoulder.  I've made some adjustments, because I'm pretty sure I know where it's happening...but still something to keep an eye on.  As I continue to train and develop my form, I want to focus on utilizing my body as a whole, rather than muscling it with just my upper half...or joint on it's own.  I want to control this weapon...rather than it control me.  And this is going to take alot of work.  In the meantime, I'm trying to utilize a longer stick when I'm trying to puzzle something out...a lighter weight when I might be doing something over and over and to give my arms a break.  And then move to my Kwan Dao for full reps.

But overall...I'm really starting to bond with my Kwan Dao and I'm excited to keep going.


  1. This is a weapon where it is important recognize that gravity is your friend and your enemy.
