Monday, March 20, 2023

I AM Connected

It was mentioned in one of our team meetings how Blogger has many different statistics that it keeps.  So I decided to go have a look and found the section where it tracks the hits to my blogs based on the viewer's location.  

What surprised me the most are the views from outside of Canada.  The only place outside the country that rings a bell to me is Bahrain. I'll chalk the hits from Mexico up to anyone on the team that's gone there on vacation 😂.  But quite honestly, I don't even know who in the US would be reading my blog, nevermind places like Italy, Russia and Japan.  Granted, I've been blogging since 2 hits from Japan isn't that large a number...but even those 2 are completely unexpected.  

I find this all pretty shocking to be quite honest. We truly are in a world where our reach is near infinite and we are connected by a simple click of a button.  I'm not even a grain of sand in the vast ocean of online influencers.  So I can't even imagine the reach some of those people have.

But the big question here, for me, is how does a person utilize this in a positive way?  How can we take this incredible resource and change it from something that so often spreads fear, stress and hate to something that can connect us with kindness, compassion and empathy?  No really, I'd like to know...


  1. This is pretty cool.

  2. Writing a posting like this is THE way to use this resource for good. All your posts have been a reflection of your values, without judgement. In a medium where the majority devote massive amounts of energy dividing us through fear and political rhetoric, your blog has consistently promoted kindness, compassion, and empathy.

    You may be in the minority but you are a bright beacon for others to follow. Great leadership.
