Sunday, March 12, 2023

Time For A Tea

I decided to take today off from training.  At least in a formal sense.  I still did some pushups and sit-ups throughout the day…I still ran through a few ideas for my Kwan Dao in my head…but I didn’t set aside any time specifically.  

I haven’t really found time for my pottery lately.  So I wanted to spend the majority of the day doing that. 

Unfortunately my attempts were total disasters.  Every cup collapsed. My clay refused to work with me. Most of it went into the recycle pail.  And now I’m left with this sense of not really accomplishing anything today.  Like my day was a total waste.  Nothing to show for it.

I will likely just make a cup of tea and read now.  It’s not like that can go sideways…right??


  1. One of my kittens left kitten saliva in my tea this morning. I drank it. Yes, drinking tea can go sideways.

  2. Sounds like you still had a productive day towards mastery. Master has failed more times than a no ice has even tried right?

  3. Lots of day left still, you can still turn it around!

  4. Some times it is these ineffective days that cause the most growth. It is what it is. You worked some clay. You visualized some Kung Fu. And you drank some tea. Sounds like a day that moved you in the right direction.

  5. You got your hands dirty, and that’s something!
