2023 Year of the Rabbit
Year of the Rabbit - January 22, 2023 to February 9, 2023 (384 days)
Base Requirements
Hand Form - Tai Chi Short Form 26/1000 *I don't quite know the whole form yet but have been counting what do know towards reps.
Weapon Form - Kwan Dao 29/1000 *I haven't developed a form yet but am working on handling and different movements. I'm using overall time towards my reps.
Push-ups 1503/50,000
Sit-ups 1519/50,000
Sparring 47/1000
Kilometers 54/1609
Acts of Kindness 79/1000
Blogging/Online Presence - yup
Unexcused Absences - yup
Mastery by Stewart Emery - trying to read it in the morning when I sit down at my desk
Mend a Relationship - yup
Lion Dancing - not yet
Tiger Challenge - not yet
Public Performances - not yet
Core Curriculum - hope so
SRKF Projects and Initiatives - not yet
Personal Requirements
Monthly Movie/Game Family Night 0/12
Lion Dance Drumming - I've made arrangements for regular meetings with Sifu Rybak and I've been banging on my drum at home. Yes, it's just banging at this point.
Chi Development - yup
Establish online presence for pottery - not yet...I'm currently trying to come up with a name
Daily blogging 11/384
Weekly Kick Assessment - plan to do my first check in starting this weekend
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