Saturday, February 4, 2023

Let's Get Ready To Rumble

I am noticing that I've gotten better at fighting.  And I don't mean physical fighting...but arguing.

It's inevitable that married couples will argue.  But I've noticed over the last couple of years that our fights have a good way.  Fights that once would have taken days to resolve, are now over within hours...minutes even.  I find that, regardless of whether I believe I am "right" or not, I can see more clearly what's important and what is not.  This doesn't mean that I give in on things I believe are important...but I can be rational, and caring, even in the heat of the moment.

Perhaps this is partially due to our time together.  But I'm also pretty sure at least some of it is due to my Kung Fu practice and the things that have come with it.  Meditation, mindfulness, Buddhist philosophies, empathy, name a few.  And what's even more interesting is that, even though I'm the practitioner, these changes seem to be happening, not just in me, but in both of us.

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