Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Morning Coffee...Morning Blog

It has been working really well for me to post my blog earlier in the work day...or in the mornings while I drink my coffee on the weekends.  This approach seems to have much of the same benefits for me as my morning training does.  It gives me a beneficial way to start my day, like I've already accomplished so much, and it leaves me feeling refreshed and ready to take on whatever life has in store for me.

But there have been a couple instances now where I haven't been able to finish and post my blog until late.  Sometimes it's a valid reason...sometimes not.  And just like my morning training, this is proving to be a bad idea.  The longer I wait...the later I put it off...the higher the potential will be that I just don't do it.  It might be that I just give up and say, "Oh well...too bad...I failed today".  Or I might potentially just simply forget because I wasn't consistent with my normal routine.  Either way, it's a risk.  It's also a hinderance for the entire day.  No matter where I am or what I'm doing, I constantly have this nagging thought in my mind...meaning I'm not truly in the present moment with what I'm doing because I have a task that should have been completed, but wasn't.

This is going to be an important part of my success with this requirement.  When at all possible (which should be most of the time), and just like with my training, I need to try and be consistent with posting my blog in the mornings.  I can't leave it, thinking I have lots of time.  We all know how time has a habit of slipping away faster than we think it will.


  1. Do you find that your creative mind is more capable in the morning than later in the day? I find that I need to schedule creative work earlier in the day and leave the more mindless work for later in the day.

    1. That's an interesting thought! I do tend to think my mind is more clear in the mornings...but most so after it could be!

    2. I am the exact same as Elizabeth. The more things I experience in the day, the more those experiences conspire to pull me out of the present moment. I get most of my creative work done before 10 am every day. The rest of the day I focus on the mindless work.

      However, to stay motivated to do the mindless stuff and the stuff I hate, I maintain a perspective of investment over sacrifice. The mindless stuff (and the stuff I hate) is probably the most powerful influence on my creativity - in a negative way. If I do not stay on top of the stuff I hate, my procrastination weighs on my subconscious and that takes up a lot of my creative space. I find my creativity is always more acute when I do not avoid doing the grunge work.

  2. I am the same in that mornings are the best time of day to be creative.
