Friday, February 17, 2023

I AM In Training

This will be a daily blog where there won't be anything amazing or insightful to post.  I knew there would entries like this one...more of a check-in than anything else.  I have several blogs that have been started, but my day just won't allow me to really dive in.  And that's okay.  So instead of rushing any of them, I'll use this bit of time I have to just share what I did today.

I'm proud to say that I've been very consistent with my mornings.  I haven't succumbed to pressing the ol' snooze button...not yet anyways.  So far all I've had to do is simply remember how I feel on those days where I don't get going early.  The days where I not only feel tired and without any energy...but I also feel like I've started my day already behind.  Like I'm trying to play catch-up all day...with a big heavy cloud following me around.  Not a great feeling. Even worse when the day ends and I never did manage to catch up.

So I rolled out of bed this morning, snuggled the dogs for a brief moment (always time for, and proceeded with my pushups and situps.  These two things get done first.  Why?  I realized that if I put them off, and try to do my forms or other things first, for some reason, I don't seem to use my time very efficiently.  It's as if the pushups and situps are my warmup.  They get me going and give my mind some time to wake up as well.  By the time I'm done them, I'm ready to focus on the rest.

This morning also had me doing 3 reps of the Tai Chi short form.  Sihing Vantuil was kind enough to watch me at the IHC class last night and offer some feedback.  So I worked on implementing those things.  Turns out my cloud hand are broken.  Lol.

I then moved on to 4 minutes of sparring.  I could be wrong, but I sort of felt stronger and more coordinated this morning.  I normally have to really think about what I'm going to do when I shadow spar.  Today I sort of just went with it.  Perhaps a fluke...or perhaps some progress!

Spinning back kicks came next.  I've been trying to do at least 5-10 spinning back kicks, on each leg, every morning.  I know this doesn't sound like much....and really it's not.  But I'm trying to be consistent with these every day, even if it's just a little bit.  And in all honesty, this tiny little bit is really helping with my confidence.

I ended with 10 minutes of working with my Kwan Dao.  A few reps of what I have of a form so far, followed by some articulation work and just trying to figure out how to do certain things and move different ways while not chopping off a limb.  It's really starting to feel better in my hands.

Not anything crazy amazing!  But this is where I am today nonetheless.

I AM In Training

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