Thursday, February 2, 2023

Driving It Home

I was struggling a bit today to write my blog.  Since I began journaling daily, things have been going fairly decent.  But there has been the odd day where I just can't seem to formulate my thoughts.  It's not that I don't have content or ideas...more that I can't seem to articulate them.  My thoughts are somewhat scattered....trailing into other random ideas....nothing really coming together coherently.  

I left my four unfinished blogs aside and decided to reflect on why this might be.  I started to think about how when we don't have anything to blog about. it's likely because we aren't training.  Now this isn't currently the case for me...I am training.  BUT....I did sleep in today...and skipped my morning training that I've been getting consistent with again.  So technically speaking, I have not yet trained today.  And I can correlate a couple other of these "off" days to days I pressed the snooze button as well.

Training in the morning has always been really good for me.  Up and moving...push-ups, sit-ups done...form reps complete...morning meditation...starting the day with accomplishments under my belt and without anything hanging over my head.  So physically speaking and obligation-wise, my morning training gets me going on the right foot...that's obvious.  But until today I never really thought beyond that...I never really considered the mental benefits.  Is it possible that the days where I've struggled to formulate my thoughts into a readable blog are also the days where I skipped my morning training? Could my morning training be contributing to a clearer mind throughout the day?  Does it help me think better, process better, focus better?  I would say yes...most obviously, most definitely yes.

I can't help but chuckle sometimes at these "revelations" I have.  Many of these things I already know on an intellectual level.  But I find that making a real-time personal connection really drives it home.

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