Monday, February 20, 2023

Helicopter Cut

I think I've made some really great progress over the weekend with my Kwan Dao.  My beta version of "Part 1" is basically worked out.  "Part 2" will be a bigger challenge.  I intend to do "Part 2" with my left hand/arm as the dominant side.  This is not only to challenge my skill with my left hand...but I want to ensure I don't finish the end of the year lop-sided.  If I'm only working that right side with that extra 9 pounds all year, I envision myself eventually looking like the guy from "Lady In The Water".

I have also incorporated what I believe is called a "helicopter cut"....which I was really excited about!  As I was working this out over the last couple of days, it started terribly.  It was hard to maintain my balance with the extra weight and I had alot of difficulty controlling the momentum of the weapon while also jumping and turning.  After many attempts I finally felt like I was getting the hang of it.  I was pretty proud of myself and  I even took the time to take a video because I wanted to show Dan.  Well, we watched it today.  And holy cow did we have a good laugh.  I really thought I was getting some good air with my jump!!....but according to the video, my feet barely left the ground.  

I definitely have some work to do here.  But I did it with my box jumps...and I can do it here too.


  1. Sounds like some great strides made! Looking forward to seeing it!

  2. Remember, height in a jump is related more to how high you pull your feet up, not how high your body jumps. Hence why I teach you all to fly by recognizing your apex.
