Friday, February 24, 2023

Who Knows...Not I

I was re-watching a video of my Tai Chi Short form this morning.  As I watched I had this really strong sensation that I was actually doing the form.  And not in just a "remembering what it felt like" kind of way...but more that I could actually feel the energy and movement with each technique, even though I was just sitting and watching.  I have felt this same sensation watching others do their forms at times as well.  Most especially with Tai Chi, but on occasion with some of the harder forms as well.  It seemed really strong watching myself though.  Who knows...maybe it was just memory eliciting the feeling.  And being a slower Tai Chi form, I was able to really immerse myself in that memory.  Again...who knows.

Nothing really "learned" here per say.  I just thought it was interesting.