Thursday, February 16, 2023

Out Loud

I recently noticed that one of the Young Dragons' sit-ups had improved significantly, and although I saw this from across the room, I made a point of walking over and telling him.  The way his face lit up just from that one compliment, and his effort that followed for the rest of the class has really stuck with me.  It was a reminder of how powerful a few kind words can be and how, with very little effort on my part, I can change someone's mood, someone's day, someone's life.

Five seconds of my time changed that class for him.  Five seconds.  So if I do some quick math, making an effort to compliment each child, to their face, at least one time during each class will take me all of 2 minutes.  I think I can manage that.  These kids are constantly doing amazing it's certainly not hard to think of honest compliments.  I just need to say them out loud.

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