Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The Green Smoothie Revolution

A co-worker approached me about making some changes health-wise.  We talked about diet changes, exercise, meal planning, counting calories, etc, etc....all the things that come with suddenly deciding "enough is enough".

I've jumped on that train before.  All in.  Often it has worked, but never long term.

If I've learned anything from the IHC team, it's that small incremental progression is the most reliable, and most sustainable, way to reach our goals.

And so I suggested we decide on one small change to start with and go from there. Todai Repay's recent blogs were fresh in my mind and this seemed like a good first step.  A nice, easy, and hopefully delicious, change.

We are on day 7 currently.  And they have mostly been delicious.  Except for Day 1, which I had to chew.  But we've figured that out since then (fyi...if you blend your leafy stuff with some water first it turns out nice and smooth 😉).  And the plan is that once this becomes a consistent norm in the day, we will make another small change.  Then another.

This is the same approach I've been taking with many of my others goals.  Choose one small, manageable first step and build from there.  

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