Friday, February 10, 2023


I wanted to share this little tidbit in case it blows anyone else's mind.

The other week in the kids classes, Sihing Ward was leading the warmup and talking about pushups. He was asking the kids why we do pushups and why they are beneficial to us. As I was walking around helping, the answers that popped into my head was that they make us stronger and they are a basic task that help us to develop consistency in our training. Bam. Answer given...answer complete.

Except didn't end there. He went on to explain that pushups specifically help us to develop our punches. The physical action of a pushup uses the same motions and muscles as a punch does.

KABOOM!! Such a simple little bit of info and mind blown. It certainly makes sense. I had just never thought about it that hard.

Just wanted to share this little tidbit of information in case anyone else sometimes lives in a little bubble like me.

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