Friday, February 3, 2023

Don't Jinx It

After realizing what I did yesterday, I found it almost easy to get out of bed this morning to do my morning training.  I hope I didn't just jinx this by using the word "easy"  

It's 8:30 am.  I've done my push-ups, sit-ups and form reps for today.  And this blog will be posted shortly.  I am also enjoying day 3 of the green smoothies that my co-worker and I started this week....inspired by Todai Repay's recent blogs.  Really a great start to a day.

This morning my "extra" time went into my Kwan Dao.  I don't have much of a form yet, and have been mostly working on my ability to maneuver the weapon around...playing with different techniques....many of them coming from stick.  I definitely have alot of work to do to master the helicopter with this thing.  lol.  But I do think I nailed down my opening bow and I'm actually pretty excited about that.  It feels really good to have a start and now I can build from here.

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