Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Three Thoughts

There were three thoughts that I wrote down recently that I intend to expand on at another time.  But often these little thoughts or ideas get buried further and further below even more thoughts and ideas.  And so I decided, why not just record them here and now anyways?  Even if they stand here alone, they still serve a better purpose than hidden away amongst all my other notes.  At least here, they might spark something for someone else.

  • Putting something off doesn't mean it will take less time.  It only means there will be less time to do it.
  • Sometimes the problem isn't conflicting information from two people, but rather conflicting interpretations by one.
  • I would rather get it right than be right.

1 comment:

  1. So many people get hung up on the last one. Confidence vs. ego.
