Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Equal And Opposite

Still working away at this kick section in my Kwan Dao form.  It's as if I can't stop learning from it!  So much detail in this one sequence.

I've recently adjusted my intent a little bit with the strikes preceding the kicks.  Previously I was launching my weapon out....everything going into the extension of the weapon.  But it came to me that I should perhaps be focusing on the pulling motion of the butt end of my weapon back to my hip instead...or maybe I should say "also".  At my hip is where my weapon is grounded.  Forgetting that seems to create a disconnection between me and my weapon....and I lose all harmony.

It's akin to our thrust punches.  It's not only about punching out....but also about the fist coming back to the hip.  Same as the stick.  The pulling motion back to our arm is as important as the strike going out.  In fact, the force coming back in enhances and supports the power going out.

Equal and opposite. far I believe I'm taking this in the right direction.