Friday, May 5, 2023


I'm currently trying to get my training schedule running smoothly again.  I'm a fairly structured person with a plan...and lately, starting with Thursday mornings, things start to unravel a bit.  By Thursday it becomes really hard to get up so early (Wednesdays and Thursdays are very full days with late nights)...and I find myself hitting the snooze button several times.  I still manage to get my pushups and situps in...but not much else.  Then I start my day already feeling "behind" with everything else and as though I'm playing "catchup" all day because I have it in my head that I should have already completed these things earlier that morning.  The full training every morning always worked well for me in the past....but I think my evening schedule has just changed too much to make that sustainable any longer.  So I simply need to make some adjustments, both to my plan and perspective, to suit this new normal.  It is what it is and I need to adapt, not fight.

So moving forward I think I'm going to try using cues to supplement my training.  Todai Lee had organized a challenge in the past using cues...and when Sifu Rybak mentioned using her dog as a cue last night, it triggered that memory and I recalled it working really well.  I will still do my early mornings, but I need to accommodate for a bit of sleep-in on Thursdays and Fridays.

I'm trying to think of things that happen consistently, but where I will also be somewhere that makes incorporating training feasible.  Simply setting a timer for every 2 hours doesn't really work because I could be driving, in a meeting, etc.  And the point of a cue is to use it right there and then.  And although I love the spontaneity of the dog barking, I think that one isn't quite "structured" enough for my liking.  Plus, Tankie barks at everything...and it's also not  

I had the following ideas for cues so far.   

- Coffee time at work
- Showers
- Feeding the dogs
- Brushing my teeth

I'm going to give this a little more thought and establish a plan.  Maybe I'll even make a game of establishing a different cue each week!   

And if you have any ideas, let's hear 'em!


  1. Cat cuddles? Opening the fridge?

    1. Cat cuddles are a dangerous cue. They can be overwhelming and constant. I have lost a lot of days and mindfulness to cat cuddles. In fact, cat cuddles may be the single most interfering time suck that I have in my life. Cat cuddles are evil. I love cat cuddles.
