Several weeks ago, Sihing Csillag incorporated pushups into the Level 1 Adult class. Part of this was determining how many proper full pushups you can do consecutively. And when I say "proper full" I mean elbows tucked in, body straight and chest to the ground.
Although it wasn't my class, I participated in this portion and my answer at that time was 5.
A couple weeks ago it became 7.
Last night it was 8.
Even more surprising was my improvement with additional sets. Previously, with subsequent sets I could only do another 2 full pushups, and then did the remainder from my knees.
Last night I managed to do 5 in the second set!
So if you compare the initial attempt to last night (2 sets of 10 reps at each occurrence) I went from a total of 7 to 13!!
It still might not seem like alot as a total number...but it's most definitely obvious and significant improvement for me.
I was going to comment about that last night but forgot (sorry), they looked good!