Thursday, June 8, 2023

The Foot Of Frankenstein

Today was one week post surgery.  And that meant my first check in with the doctor and a dressing change.  When he removed the original bandages I was a bit shocked.  I was not expecting that large of an incision.  Dan looked at me and said "well, now we know why it hurt so bad".  Lol.  I suppose he thought I was maybe faking.  Or at least milking it a little.  I was not.

So if anyone likes seeing that kind of on the link below.  I didn't want to blast you all with a picture that you wouldn't be able to click at your own risk!  But's not that gory...just kinda looks like the foot Frankenstein would have had.  lol


  1. Wow!!! That's a lot longer than I thought it would be, too!

    Is the toe noticeably straighter?

  2. Wow! It is looking really good though!! In a Franken foot sort of way of course lol.
