Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Routine And Structure

I don't like that my numbers are slowly, and consistently falling behind.  I'd like to say that, because of my surgery, that this is to be expected.  And that it's ok.  But it's really not.  I can't think of any real good reason why I shouldn't be attaining my numbers.  I've got several creative modifications for pretty much everything.  The only requirement that I would truly expect to see decline would be my km's.

If I'm completely honest, I think I'm simply getting lazy without my normal routine.  I need to establish some structure in my day rather than just flying by the seat of my pants.


  1. Anytime there is change, there is an adjustment period. Especially a big change like this for you. You will find your rhythm, you’ve got this!!

  2. Mediocrity becomes especially sneaky when we feel like we have a “valid” excuse, don’t fall for its tricks!
