Sunday, July 16, 2023

What's Normal Is Now

"Once I can walk again I can catch up."

"Once I am fully recovered I can start working on this [or that]."

"Once I am back to normal, everything else can get back to normal."

These are statements that I have said to myself many times over the last several weeks.  Until now, they seemed innocent...justified...appropriate even.  But today, I find them offending.  They have a dark spin that I suddenly don't like.  What I once saw as motivational thoughts to get me through, now seem like shackles that have held me back.

Perhaps these statements will ring true.  But perhaps they won't.

What if it takes months or years to "fully recover"?  What if "fully recover" doesn't even exist?  What if "normal" isn't the "normal" any more?

Do I just wait?  Coast until then?  Put certain things aside because I can't do them how I want to do them?

Who we are today is not who we will be tomorrow.  Our bodies, our abilities, our health, our perspectives, our thoughts....they are always changing from day to day.  Sure, they typically are changing very slowly...but sometimes not.  Sometimes our circumstances and our challenges from day to day can change drastically in a split second....and sometimes they won't ever change back.  What was normal yesterday, may not be normal today, and very likely won't be normal tomorrow.

I need to approach every single day like this IS my normal.  Because in this exact moment it really is.

Waiting for things to get back to normal is a wait that will never end.  Finding a way to accept and adapt to the very moment we are living in...and continuing to work towards our goals in those very moments....that is Mastery.

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