Monday, July 24, 2023

Too Many Twists


I just want to do stuff.  

I tried to shrimp today.  I tried to do Broadsword.  

Both caused too much twisting and I had to sit.

There’s no lingering pain.  So I’m fine.

But I’m getting frustrated.  I just want to do stuff.


  1. The good news is there is SO MUCH stuff that you can still do, maybe try focusing on your blocks for a while, really work on rotation and try to generate as much power as you can, and really remember how it feels so you can compare it to how it will feel once you can use your lower half again, it must be frustrating to feel like you can only access 3 of your 6 harmonies, but try to look at it as an opportunity to feel their absence as a way to train your eye for detail!

    1. Thankyou Sihing. I will try to utilize this advice!
