Thursday, January 19, 2023

Little By Little

It struck me the other day, watching the kids’ classes, how much they’ve improved.  Even the “little” things like push-ups and sit-ups. There was a time, not long ago, that several of the kids needed us to hold their feet so they could actually manage a single sit-up.  Or we had to really encourage them to push themselves to keep going with a few push-ups, not letting themselves fall.  And suddenly, the other day, I realized that hardly anyone asked for, or needed our help.  Was their technique perfect?  No.  But they pushed themselves, without complaint, and I found myself feeling really proud of them.  

I find this improvement, over the last year or so, really exciting and encouraging, not just for them, but for myself.  If these kids are making this kind of improvement, simply by attending their classes and having the occasional 1-on-1, I have to assume that these little bits of improvement are also happening for me.  Get to class.  Do the work.  And little by little…

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