Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Being The Tail
Monday, January 30, 2023
A Glimpse
Sunday, January 29, 2023
A Connection With Myself
Saturday, January 28, 2023
Banquet Day
Friday, January 27, 2023
Feeling Good
Thursday, January 26, 2023
Go Fish
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
My Kwan Dao
Monday, January 23, 2023
Year of the Rabbit - Personal Requirements
And so with that being said, here are my final, and approved, Year of the Rabbit requirements.
My “theme” for my forms is the harmony between chi/strength.
- Hand Form – Tai Chi Short Form (school form) – Success Coaches – Sifu Dennis, Sihing Vantuil
- Weapon Form – Kwan Dao (personal form)
- Once a month family game/movie night.
- CARRY FORWARD - Lion/Dragon Dance Drumming - learn to play a full lion dance with the ultimate goal of playing for a demo. – I’m setting myself a goal of a minimum of 30 minutes per week. Success Coach - Sifu Rybak
- Continue with my Chi exploration. This past year I found a lot of success by allowing my experiences to guide me rather than defining specific goals. I intend to continue in this manner, with an added focus of putting in writing some of the different things I’ve experienced and learned, in a manner that could possibly be used by others that are looking to develop more in this area. Success Coach – Sifu Brinker
- Establish an online “store” or presence for my pottery.
- Daily blogging. My intent here is to develop a detailed and accurate record of my journey and also inspire daily reflection.
- Weekly “mini” kick assessment – 15 seconds of each front thrust, side heel, roundhouse, spinning back kick – from each lead – to be recorded – my intent is to more closely monitor my progress with my kicks.
Sunday, January 22, 2023
IHC FINAL Numbers - Year of the Tiger
My FINAL IHC Numbers - Year of the Tiger
Year of the Tiger - Feb 1, 2022 to Jan 21, 2023 (354 days)
You might notice that I removed the checkmarks and X's. I'm approaching this a bit different in that I don't want to necessarily determine my success in such a black and white manner. I realized here at the end of the year that I had too much focus on what I hadn't done, rather than what I had and my potential to "still do".
Base Requirements
Hand Form - Dou Ti 957/1000
Weapon Form - Stick 1 and 2 932/1000
Push-ups 43,690/50,000 60,000
Sit-ups 43,636/50,000 60,000
Sparring 858/1000
Kilometers 1812/1609
Acts of Kindness 1022/1000
Blogging/Online Presence - check
Unexcused Absences - check
Mastery by Stewart Emery - this could use more effort
Mend a Relationship - this went really well. My siblings and I have been more consistently in touch all year and it's been really great.
Lion Dancing - Instructors call
Tiger Challenge - was not able to participate
Public Performances - check
Core Curriculum - Instructors call
SRKF Projects and Initiatives - check
Personal Requirements
Learn how to reclaim my pottery clay - nope
Establish a 15 minute/2km run time - check
Box Jumps - check
Monthly date with Dan - check
Lion Dance Drumming *I will be carrying this forward to the Year of the Rabbit, with a more defined plan and goal
Weekend Kung Fu Training with Kids - this went decently well I think
Chi Development - check
3 x 1 Month "Clean Eating Challenge" - nope.
Record Numbers of all known forms. There is no specific number I'm trying to reach. My personal requirement is simply to record them. - check
- Awakening the Dragon = 33
- Broadsword 1-2 = 25
- Da Mu Hsing 1-5 = 89
- Hsieh Chien = 40
- Lao Gar 1-3 = 70
- Long 1 = 34
- Hung 1-2 = 50
- 18 Temple Motions = 44
I AM Project 19/30
Saturday, January 21, 2023
I AM Grateful
Friday, January 20, 2023
Just Bare With Me
I’ve been working on a couple things in Tai Chi that I’ve recently been able to connect directly to my Kung Fu.
The first is that I've been trying to consistently keep my center lowered. Initially, this meant keeping myself physically lowered. Meaning nice bent knees...nice relaxed shoulders. And when doing this I noticed a tremendous improvement in my stability. But I also started to notice that sometimes, even though I might have small physical shifts up and down, I can still often stay grounded. I think I've mostly used the terms grounded and centered interchangeably, but maybe that's not quite accurate. Sorry, I started off on a tangent there that I'm not quite prepared to go on yet. So we'll just leave this here for now.
The other direction I had been given was to focus on driving a technique from my hips, rather than simply using my arms/hands. Even though my hands are the completion of the technique, they are not what initiates it or drives it. It was very enlightening when I made this shift. I realized that I was very disconnected between my upper and lower halves. In fact, I learned almost immediately that when I brought everything through my hips, I seemed to shift off, physically, on a diagonal for some reason. When I stayed true to the course I had set, it just seemed to be where I wanted to go. After some further exploration, I eventually realized my Toyu stance was too wide, and I had been countering that by simply redirecting everything with my hands. I was basically forced to disconnect from my feet/knees/hips in order to get the end result I wanted with my hands/elbows/shoulders. But then, of course, I lost everything in between. Only when I focused on remaining true to the connections within the 6 harmonies, did I realize that something was off. I wasn't getting the result I wanted, but by working back, I realized the error was right at the start, with my stance. Now I don't think this means that you can't shift gears or make adjustments when needed, but I do think it means that a technique will be that much stronger, that much more pure, if you can remain true to it from start to finish.
Anyhow, these things above will take alot more exploration. But my original point with this blog was that these things came firing into my mind while working on the ball throws, double knife hands and the tiger claws in Lao Gar 3. When I utilized what I learned above from Tai Chi, everything started to come together a little bit better.
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Little By Little
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Me Thinks
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Monday, January 16, 2023
Sharing Is Caring
Monday, January 9, 2023
Nailed It
It looked a little different this morning than it used to. But I've learned that as I evolve and progress, I need to let go of "used to". So I didn't want to have a "checklist" of everything I HAD to get done in order for the morning to be a success. I gave myself 30 minutes to do whatever I wanted, but also pushed myself to use that time to it's fullest. It went well. Some upper body weight training, crunches, a few forms, followed by some much needed meditation.
But ultimately, the main goal for today was just to get my ass out of bed.
Nailed it.
Friday, January 6, 2023
Behind But Ahead
IHC Number Update - January 6, 2022
My January IHC Update - Year of the Tiger
Year of the Tiger - Feb 1, 2022 to Jan 21, 2023 (354 days)
Base Requirements
❌ Hand Form - Dou Ti 928/1000
❌ Weapon Form - Stick 1 and 2 910/1000
❌ Push-ups 43,273/50,000 60,000
❌ Sit-ups 43,381/50,000 60,000
❌ Sparring 783/1000
✅ Kilometers 1737/1609
✅ Acts of Kindness 985/1000
✅ Blogging/Online Presence
✅ Unexcused Absences
➖ Mastery by Stewart Emery
✅ Mend a Relationship
➖ Lion Dancing - Instructors call
❌ Tiger Challenge
✅ Public Performances
➖ Core Curriculum - Instructors call
✅ SRKF Projects and Initiatives
Personal Requirements
➖ Learn how to reclaim my pottery clay
⭐ Establish a 15 minute/2km run time
⭐ Box Jumps
✅ Monthly date with Dan
❌ Lion Dance Drumming *I will be carrying this forward to the Year of the Rabbit, with a more defined plan and goal
✅ Weekend Kung Fu Training with Kids
✅ Chi Development
❌ 3 x 1 Month "Clean Eating Challenge" - this goal is a fail. What's worse is that I honestly don't really care or feel all that bad. I'm going to look back at this to see if I even learned anything.
✅ Record Numbers of all known forms. There is no specific number I'm trying to reach. My personal requirement is simply to record them.
- Awakening the Dragon = 33
- Broadsword 1-2 = 25
- Da Mu Hsing 1-5 = 87
- Hsieh Chien = 38
- Lao Gar 1-3 = 63
- Long 1 = 34
- Hung 1-2 = 50
- 18 Temple Motions = 44
❌ I AM Project 18/30
Sunday, January 1, 2023
A Wave
And it’s there. You can see it. You know what it is…it’s a wave.
And then it crashes on the shore and it’s gone. But the water is still there. The wave was just a different way for the water to be for a little while.
The wave returns to the ocean. Where it came from. And where it’s supposed to be.” - Chidi, The Good Place
This is probably the most beautiful way I’ve ever heard life, and death, described. It’s also the one that seems to fit my spirit and allows me to be most at peace.