Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Playing With Spaghetti

In a recent class we were advised to "be more spaghetti".  Meaning, think less about technique and perfection, and just let our bodies move how they want.

Initially, this felt really "sloppy" to me.  But I understood the intent behind the exercise.  I understood that she was trying to get us out of our heads a bit, and to just experiment with letting our bodies flow how they'd want to, if we weren't so busy overthinking every single little step.  Just let loose and see what to speak.

I've continued this exercise at home the last couple days, because I saw the value here, especially for me personally.  I tend to be pretty intense when I do a form.  Yes, you need intensity, but you also need flow.  And right now, I think I'm way more intensity than I am flow.  So this exercise is a good way for me to see what happens if I push myself to the opposite end of the spectrum.  

I found it pretty hard at first to apply this exercise to my own personal form, with all the kicks, but slowly it started to come together.  Initially I was just flailing about (spaghetti-like) but eventually, I found that my arms wanted to move a certain way that complimented the kick.  Prior to this exercise, my focus has been mostly on the kick itself.  I know my upper body needs to be involved, and I know where I would like it to end up, but I think my intent was to just force it there, rather than letting it move there freely.  I'm calling this a "conflict of intent" 😉.  While "being more spaghetti", I wasn't worried so much about where things needed to eventually be, and instead allowed them to move there in whatever manner seemed most natural.  It does sort of feel a bit odd, because I sense that I look rather flamboyant while doing this, but I think this is part of the whole "go over the top and then pull it back" process...of finding balance and establishing harmony.

I'm going to keep utilizing this exercise for a while because I think I'm on to something here.  

*Aaaaaand as I was finishing this blog, the big movements of Lao Gar just flashed in my mind.  I suddenly have some more clarity on just how this form is developing our 6 harmonies.  And a whole bunch more that are seemingly falling out of the sky....Weeeeeeeeee!!!!

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