Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Gotta Put On My Thinking Cap

As mentioned in my last blog, I have several things on the go at present and I think it's time for me to do a re-evaluation.

I tend to be the type that thrives with lots going on.  I enjoy trying new things and typically go all in when I find something that fulfills me.

Having said that, there is literally only so much time and energy a single person has.  And the more I want to do, the more I need to determine what things will serve me best.

Which of these things are of benefit to me?  
Which are a benefit to my family or community?  
Which are bringing me joy, and which are not?  
What are the "have tos" versus the "want tos"?  
Is this something that is serving me right now, or will it serve me in the future?  
Is this something that can be postponed and picked up again later?
Can this be tweaked slightly to make it easier, or less time consuming?  
Can I ask for help with this or even delegate it altogether?
Is it time to hand this responsibility off to someone with a fresh perspective?
Is this something that is causing stress or frustration?
Is this something that is demanding too much attention for the value it brings?

This will be a bit of a thought process and is going to take some time to work out.  But I'm curious to see where it leads.

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