Tuesday, June 28, 2022


One of my personal requirements this year is to improve my running.  More so to improve my cardio as well as my ability to control my breathing.  To measure my progress, my specific goal is 2km in under 15 minutes.  So while camping this weekend I decided to go for a 2km run to see where I'm at.  

I haven't timed myself in a while.  After having covid I felt like I became really short of breath quickly.  And so I've been nervous to time myself again.  The last time I did was April 3 and I clocked in at 16:09.

As I began my run on Saturday, I decided quite early on that I wasn't going to hit the 15 minutes.  There were alot of sloping hills and rough terrain and I thought there'd be no way.  But I chose to give it my best and hopefully shave at least a little bit off my last time.  

So when I looked down at my watch, after it buzzed me at the 2km mark, I was absolutely shocked to see my time.  14:24.  14:24!!!!  Not only did I hit my goal, but I surpassed it.

I love these little wins.

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