Tuesday, March 1, 2022

I DID IT!!!!!

I actually did it.

I went downstairs just now to take a break from work and do some stick reps.....while also thinking about needing to post my numbers today.  Of course my mind went to my carry-over goal that I failed to complete last year.  The goal following me around like a big dark cloud.  I was tired of that damn red X next to that goal all the time.

I thought about setting up my camera, but told myself to forget it or I'd lose my nerve.  I put on my runners (my magic running shoes in fact!!...coincidence?....I wonder....), and walked up to my box.  I immediately pushed it away.

Arguing with myself a little more, I managed to convince myself I had to at least do something with it.  So I pushed it into the corner at an angle, so I'd have one wall angled out to my left and one to the right.  I told myself to balance myself with the walls if I had to...and so I did.  And I did 10.

And so again, the argument continued in my mind.  If I can do them using the walls for balance, why the heck not without?????  I had no legitimate reason.

And so I did 11 more, free of any wall support.  Why 11, and not just the 10?  

Because I could.


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