Friday, March 11, 2022

Get It? Got It. Good? Nope!

As I was practicing my hand form at class last night, I was becoming increasingly confused with one portion.  In this particular sequence, I begin in a horse stance with a palm heel strike to the right.  I then slide my right foot in, pivot clockwise 90 degrees and slide my right foot back out so I end up in a left lead high back stance with an inside hooking block. Every single time I checked my stance I was misaligned.  That right foot in the high back stance always ended up behind, in front, foot turned way out, etc. Never where it should be.  Even if I concentrated and thought exactly about how I wanted my stance to end, it still didn't work.

As I tried to trouble shoot, I found myself thinking about intent.  I had gotten some recent feedback on my form, which was that my intent wasn't quite there yet because I was anticipating what was coming next.  This is typical in preliminary development.  In initial stages, a person is simply trying to remember the different moves, and not so much worried about intent quite yet.  I also thought about how many times I've been told that if I'm not getting the result I want, it's because I don't have the right intent.....Look at that Sifus!!  Stuff is sinking in!!  

Anyhow, I went through things again, this time ensuring that my intent remained pure and I remained in the moment.  I focused on my target and moved my body based on that.  And I only worked on that single move.  I'm sure you can all guess what the result was....Yup, I ended up in perfect alignment and my stance was true.  With my intent pure and true, my body followed suit.

I always find it funny when I "realize" something that I've been told a gazillion times.  I mean, I understand the information I'm getting, on an intellectual level.  But only once I actually feel it, in action, does it finally resonate.  And not only that, but I've had these aha moments with intent before.  Each and every time I think the same thing..."Oh wait.  NOW I get it."  Next time..."Oh wait. No NOW I get it."  And this occurs over and over.

I wonder where I will be and what I will be doing when I ACTUALLY finally get it.  If I had to guess, I would say it will never happen.  I tend to think this feeling is infinite and everchanging, which I suppose fits with a life towards mastery.  

Getting IT changes as I change, because as I change, IT changes.

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