Thursday, March 31, 2022

1000 Side Heel Kicks

1000 side heel kicks complete.  I feel much better after doing this challenge.

Not because I have suddenly mastered the side heel...far from it.  But by doing this many repetitions together I was able to assess a large sampling and gain some more accurate insight into my progress.

As I worked on these kicks, I found myself thinking about the 70-20-10 theory. There are many versions and spin-offs of this, but specific to this challenge, this meant that 700 of my kicks would be okay, about 200 would be downright awful, and only about 100 would be awesome.  I like this theory for a couple of reasons.  For one, it reiterates the fact that in order to achieve a larger quantity of awesome kicks, I simply need to throw more kicks.  And I will learn a heck of alot more from throwing 100 awesome kicks out of 1000 than I will from 1 out of 10.  Secondly, it helps me adjust my expectations.  I will never throw 100% awesome kicks.  Because my definition of awesome is ever-changing.  As are my definitions of "okay" and "awful".

By committing to this large number of kicks in a shorter period of time, I realized the following,

What used to be my "awful" now non-existent.

What I now consider just "okay"...I used to think was awesome.

And my new "awesome" kicks are ones that I never even used to experience.

It can be harmful to assess progress based solely on 1 class, or 1 kick.  It can also be harmful to compare where I am now, to where I eventually want to be.

Progress and success should be measured by how far I've come....not how far I still want to go.  This is a lesson I really need to remember.

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