Monday, March 7, 2022

Dou Ti - March Progress

I think I finally have my hand form mostly worked out.  Although I should probably really call this a "foot" form.  Lol.  

There are a few areas that don't flow quite like I'm hoping, but I'm going to give myself some time to let repetition work out most of the kinks.  If, by our Beta version deadline, these parts still don't seem to fit, I may have to re-work a few things. 

Obviously I'm still choppy and haven't quite found my flow yet.  I can also see in my video that I'm anticipating the next move, rather than really focusing on the technique I'm on.  But that's to be expected since I'm still learning my form.  All those finer details will work themselves out as I move through the process.  I hope.  😉

I'm including a video of my form, not only for your entertainment, but so I have a baseline for comparison as I progress.

And by the way...for those of you that submitted sequences to me last November, watch for yours!  🙂

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