Friday, March 18, 2022

I AM Open-minded

At a recent 1-on-1, we spoke of "absolutes".  This conversation has become one of those real eye opening moments that has filtered into several different aspects of my life already.

Absolutes are exactly that, absolute.  They are rigid and unyielding.  They are black and white. We are often unwilling to negotiate a view when we hold an absolute belief or opinion.  It is the same if we steadfastly resist someone else's absolute.  

When we live with absolutes guiding us, it can make it difficult to change and to grow.  It can keep empathy and understanding out of reach.  And I think it can often cause more turmoil than not, by keeping our spirit bound, when it should be free.

This can quickly become very confusing, very fast.  And I don't have it all quite figured out...nor do I ever expect to, as I'm sure it will be ever-changing.

But what I have come to understand is that if I can avoid being stubbornly bound to absolutes, not only will my spirit be more at peace, but nothing will ever be out of reach.

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