Monday, April 4, 2022

Perfect Timing

I had a recent conversation with Sifu where the topic was pretty heavy.  Once the discussion was over, I took the opportunity to ask him a technical question about a form.  Immediately afterwards I felt a bit guilty for asking something so trivial.  I felt selfish for allowing myself to turn my thoughts so quickly to Kung Fu when there are so much more important things going on around me.

But after thinking on it a bit more, I decided that it was actually the perfect time to ask that question.

If I hadn't asked that question in that moment, I likely would have drifted further into the feelings of anxiety and panic that were starting to form.  I may have succumbed to fear and sadness.  Instead, I acknowledged and accepted their presence...but then made the choice to shift my focus to something within my control.  These feelings are still there, but without constant, obsessive attention, they are unable to grow...and instead can remain as they are, at a manageable level.

Kung Fu grounds me.  It brings me back to myself and the present moment.  It reconnects me with the things that are within my control.  It keeps me moving forward even when things around me could very easily pull me back.

It is the perfect time for Kung Fu.

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