Monday, April 25, 2022

I AM...Brave

Doing something, rather than nothing.

Trying something new and different, over what I've always done in the past.

Saying yes to opportunities rather than no.

Reaching out for and accepting help when I cannot do it myself.

Speaking and standing up for those that are unable to do it for themselves.

Continuing to try even after failing countless times before.

Doing what will serve others, over what might only serve myself.

Admitting when I have done wrong and facing the consequences to make it right.

Embracing fear and taking action in spite of it.

Doing what I believe is right, over what is easy.

All of these things, to me, are examples of bravery.  When faced with a choice, these are the things I think about.  I am certainly better at some, over others, but I consciously try to find a way to be brave in some way every single day.  As with anything, small incremental actions will add up to extraordinary things.

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