Thursday, April 21, 2022

Recognizing The Potential

Well....last night's class was a real eye opener.  And in a good way.

Prior to last night, if asked which kick is my strongest, I would have 100% said the front thrust kick.  In my mind, it's pretty much the only kick that I have any sort of actual skill with and can perform consistently.

But I have to admit, my spinning back kick surprised me.  

I have a few spinning back kicks in my form, and so I've been getting quite a bit of practice there.  I've also recently made myself stop planting my foot down for balance before throwing my kick and I've convinced myself to stop worrying about the little details and just go for it.   And last night I could see the progress that I've made.

As we worked on the heavy bag, I suddenly realized that maybe my front thrust kick isn't my best kick.  Or at the very least it's coming closer to losing that number one spot.  Not every time, but a good number of times, my spinning back kick felt really good.  I moved without hesitation.  I found my target.  And I kicked with confidence.  I don't know what it looked like, but it felt pretty good.  And based on the heavy bag, my spinning back kick is most definitely more powerful than my front thrust kick.

I still have alot of work to do.  I need to really firm up my foot position.  There were times I lost focus on my heel and blading.  And I certainly need to improve my consistency.

But I can really see the potential I have with this kick.

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