Monday, November 28, 2022

Happy Saturday

Looking back at my records, I have noticed a correlation between a dip in my non-IHC forms/training and when we moved to monthly open trainings.  [Insert shameless plug here for tracking numbers and journaling].

My morning weekday training puts a focus on my IHC requirements.  Push-ups, sit-ups, my chosen forms, etc, etc.  This is also when I do my meditation and chi work (part of a personal IHC goal).  Prior to August, I was then utilizing the weekly Saturday open training to work on anything that hadn't gotten any attention during the week.  Things like my non-IHC forms, additional kick repetitions, tai chi and anything else that we perhaps focused on in class.  I had also started taking the kids with me and was really enjoying that training time together.  I felt I had established a really good balance with this approach.

Since moving to monthly open trainings, my weekend training has taken a big hit.  That motivation I needed on the weekend to get up and moving is gone.  The opportunity to use the Kwoon to work on anything I wanted and to really spread out and move, without the confines of my smaller home space, is no longer available.  And I can see that my overall training has suffered.  Those Saturdays really stimulated my training, providing some much needed motivation and rejuvenation heading into the week ahead.

Day to day training can easily get stagnant.  Open training was my spark and kept things fresh.

The purpose of this blog isn't to complain.  I understand why the change was implemented.  But I can see now that this particular change was a bigger deal for me than I had initially thought.

Although I haven't quite figured out how to re-stimulate my Saturdays yet, I do recognize that I need to find a way to re-establish that balance I had.

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