Friday, November 18, 2022

I AM Connected

A compliment bestowed upon me from the Tim Horton's employee not only made me smile, but reiterated the power of this requirement and led to some interesting reflection.  

It was a simple gesture yes, but one I recognized she didn't have to make.  Remaining quiet would not have made her a bad or unkind person.  But in that moment, she chose to act and it made a difference.  Possibly a bigger difference than it might have on a different day or with a different person.

I could have just accepted the compliment, moved on, and let it dissipate behind me.  But today it stuck out.  And what stuck out was not just the act itself, but how I actively chose to receive it.

I think it's important that we not only perform acts of kindness in a thoughtful and mindful way, but that we are receiving them in this manner as well.  Every act of kindness we are given should be appreciated and acknowledged.  We are not entitled to these acts.  They should not be expected.  When we begin taking those acts of kindness for granted, we are keeping them from their full potential.  Each and every one is a special gift, so much more powerful than anything material.  When someone takes the time to gift me an act of kindness, they are actually gifting me with connection.  And that's a very special thing.

"I love those connections that make this big old world feel like a little village." - Gina Bellman

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