Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Kung Fu'ing My Kids Part 8 of...

Ever since my journey began with SRKF in 2019, I've always believed that there was something special about Kung Fu kids.  Right from the start I was in awe of all the amazing young people training there.  They were (are) so talented, confident, respectful, self-aware and driven, just to name a few things.  And what I saw in them is what I want for my own kids.

I recently had a small group of children in my care for Emma's slumber party birthday.  Half were Kung Fu friends.  Half were school friends.  And I have to say, the difference between the two was not lost on me.  I'm not saying that the non-Kung Fu kids were bad, by any means.  Emma has some great friends.  But those that practice Kung Fu not only struck me as more accepting and welcoming with people they didn't know, but also seemed more independent, confident and self-aware.

Perhaps because this was a small group I shouldn't make such conclusions.  Or perhaps with my own kids in Kung Fu, this was a biased observation.  But I really don't think so.  It certainly wasn't something I was looking for or anticipating and I didn't go into the situation looking for differences.  I simply noticed certain things in each of the kids, and found myself making this connection.

And although these Kung Fu kids were not my own, I found myself really proud of them, as if they were.

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