Tuesday, November 15, 2022

I AM Resourceful

My in-laws are visiting.  My usual training area is right outside their bedroom door.  I don't want to wake them at 6am.

Even if I didn't care about that, the kids' rooms are also getting new carpet and paint.  And so all of their belongings and furniture are scattered throughout the house....taking up what feels like every available inch.

The circumstances this week are trying, to say the least.  The house is a disaster.  My normal routine is a bust.  I feel out of sorts in my own home.  Mediocrity is trying to convince me to take the week off...justifying it by the fact that I really don't have any options or space.  But that would be a lie.  There are always options.

And so I am training in my bathroom.  If that's not being resourceful, I don't know what is.  😣

I AM Resourceful.

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