Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Form vs Application - A Yellow Belt Perspective

Analyzing and comparing Form and Application is at a very preliminary stage for me.  Right now I am much more focused on Form, with Application still a bit beyond my grasp.  Although I listen and file things away for future use, I actually try not to get too caught up in Application right now as I find it can muddle things up for me with Form.  I don't think I'm quite at a stage yet where I can keep the two separate, yet together.  If that makes any sense at all.  And I imagine that my thoughts regarding these things will change and evolve as I change and evolve, but for now this is what I think I know.

Form, to me, is the practicing of various techniques in very precise ways.  We pay close attention to specifics and really work on fine-tuning the details.  We move in very deliberate ways and over-exaggerate the movements.  This is done in a controlled environment where form can be the primary focus.  And why do we do this?  My very simplified answer would be to train both my mind and muscle memory so that, when needed, I would be better able to respond automatically.

Application is the "when needed" mentioned above.  It's taking everything I've practiced and using it in such a way that makes sense for the situation I'm actually in.  A real-life situation is no longer a controlled environment and there will be many variables, distractions, and a myriad of other different factors that will determine how I react.  My technique will not be the same as in Form practice, but the hope would be that it would at least suffice.

By perfecting and refining my Form, my skill in Application will, hopefully, become more and more viable.

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