Thursday, June 10, 2021

Consistent Action

I'm really finding this mini Side Heel challenge quite beneficial.  And not just for the progress with my Side Heel, but also because of the understanding I'm developing regarding the benefits of consistent action.

We know that consistent action is key to making progress.  At it's simplest, the more times you do something, the better you will get.  50,000 is a popular number 😉.  But there's more to it then just repetitions.

If you actually pay attention and listen to your body, consistent action can help shine a spotlight on some of the finer details.  So not only are the repetitions important, but awareness is also key.  In 10 days, at just 50 kicks per leg, I've already been able to pinpoint a few things that need some attention.  These are things that I haven't noticed before, and likely wouldn't have, if not for my commitment to this challenge.  

Consistent action has also helped establish a routine.  A routine can quickly become habitual...then natural.  And from there, perhaps effortless effort will emerge.  In just 10 days, my side heel has become a normal inclusion to my day.  Previously it would have been sporadic, with no consistency, and something of an inconvenience.  As of late, it's simply a part of my day.  Rather than force, I just do.

Letting myself sink into the process of consistent action has also impacted my overall attitude.  Previously I would be frustrated because I hadn't practiced my kick for a while (essentially avoidance), and then feel anxious because I feel I'm not at the level I think I should be.  With a plan of consistent action, rather than "I just want my Side Heel to be better!" I find myself thinking "What will I learn about my Side Heel today".  

I'm feeling confident in my approach and am finding myself simply trusting in the process.

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